Thank you from André

Dear Friends:

I hope the year 2022 finds you well and safe! 

Two years into this unrelenting pandemic and faced with increasing housing crises and social challenges, it’s easy to feel exhausted.

But at Unity Care, we never lose sight of our blessings: a staff member who forgoes his own family holiday celebration to fly with a youth across country to meet his dad for the first time, a Board member who enlists volunteers from his church to landscape the yard and install planter boxes at one of our homes so the youth can grow their own vegetables, and donors like you, whose generosity makes our work possible every day.  

This community of supporters is the lifeblood of our work, making it possible for us to give young people aging out of foster care the essentials they need to survive today and the support they need to thrive tomorrow.

Youth and emerging adults exiting the foster care system have so much to overcome as they step into the world of adulthood. The trauma of growing up in the foster care system, without a strong family bond, creates so many unfortunate challenges for many of these youth.

But when they arrive at Unity Care, they are HOME. Often for the first time, they feel safe and stable in their own home. They are welcomed, supported, and guided as they focus on their goals and prepare for their own bright futures.

Thank you for brightening the future for the youth and emerging adults we serve. We wish you a prosperous and blessed New Year.

In gratitude,

André Chapman, MA

Founder and CEO


André Chapman, MA

Founder and CEO

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