Unity Care 5 Pillars of Success

Building a solid foundation

Our 5 Pillars image illustrates the foundation of Unity Care’s model for success. Our overarching goal is to support our youth and families’ journey toward self-sufficiency by ensuring that everyone we touch accomplishes their goals in these five strategic areas:

  1. Housing
    Stable housing provides an anchor – a secure foundation for youth and families to build upon in order to create a productive life.
  2. Education
    Education is key to providing access to greater opportunities in the future.
  3. Employment
    Encouraging youth and families to find gainful employment and work toward career aspirations provides heightened opportunities for promising careers.
  4. Well-Being
    Well-being is an active process that allows people to make positive choices in creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle of the mind, body, and spirit.
  5. Unconditional Care
    Our philosophy of unconditional care means that every youth deserves permanent positive role models, family members, and adult mentors who will never give up on them and always be a part of their support system, no matter what.
5 Pillars of Success diagram
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